I and the Fababa

Wing Chun, Wing Tsun, Ving Tsun… and other kung fu styles as a traditional practicing tool for the Fababa. The practice tool imitating traditionally wooden human form is developing a variety of practicing skills. The Fababa provides a great help in the correct practice of the techniques and due to the diligent exercise, the faculties will be forgotten and stronger. Although the training of form exercises – in most traditional styles – starts only at an advanced level, any other technical combination can be practiced at the beginner level.

      If you wanted to have a fababate so far, you could order from a foreign manufacturer at an expensive price, like a high shipping fee; Or you were looking for a table, who, unless you are proficient in Wing Chun style, could not make it correct; Or did you start crafting…

      The Fababa I produced is guaranteed to be suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners. All this is guaranteed by more than two and a half decades of Wing Chun practice and more than a thousand made wooden dolls.